In today’s society, we’ve become with obsessed with what I
call the “one-up”. We want to show people (who really could care less) that we
have arrived, that we matter, and that we have arrived! We want to show the
world that we are doing something with our lives, that we are having fun. But
the reality is, we are decaying at a rapid rate. We’ve become too consumed with
the “one-up” that we have forgotten to enjoy the ride, bask in the many
experiences of life because we are too busy showing the world that we are doing
something that they aren’t.
Truth is, we need to take a good hard look in the mirror,
not the photo. Photos are mere snippet of life; they will never reflect the
true depiction of life. Photos are a way to hide behind the hurt, the
disappointment, the fear, the uncertainty, the disappointments that life can
bring. I have learned that we spend most
of our lives hiding our true selves from others because of reluctance of being
judged, ridiculed and the most hurtful, rejected. We have gotten so caught up
in the opinion of others that we have forgotten to bask in the beauty of a
moment of happiness. We are missing the joy that God created for us to enjoy.
We have let today’s digital technology and media hype destroy our sanity. We
are becoming so dependent on the connectivity of a manmade persona that we have
forgotten to smell the roses.
Life was always intended to be lived. It is best experienced
when we actually lose ourselves in the beauty of a moment. There are so many
things that God wants to reveal to us that no one else will understand but if
we are so consumed with showing off, those moments will be few and far between and
everything we photograph will be superficial. Retrain yourself to stop interjecting a cell phone
camera into your lives. Some things make much better stories than pictures.
My personal testimony is, I would much rather have you enjoy
my company than take a photo of a partial glimpse of my presence. Take the time
to bask in the joy of my humor, my love, my spirit and my message. There are
some parts of me that are never to be shared with the masses.