Saturday, August 25, 2007

Blessings or Bullshit

I’ve had too many conversations this week with either friends or family members about being happy. I discovered that many people that I consider to be sane and competent must be really confused or lost on this road we called life. First of all, you must make a decision to either allow bullshit or blessings into your life. Which one is it going to be? You cannot have both and be happy, sorry. Whoever said that lied to you. Even if the Father chooses to shine down upon a certain area of your life, it another area is full of shit, then guess what? It still is gonna stink. I am about to step on some toes right now, but I only write this because it’s true. If you want to stop all lies and deceit, then you must stop lying and being deceitful. If you want a decent man or woman in your life, then guess what? Get rid of all the indecent ones first. And let me stress, GOD WILL NOT GIVE YOU SOMEBODY ELSES MAN OR WOMAN. And another thing, there are lot of people I know who say that they can’t seem to have any order or structure in their lives. How you gonna have order and structure when you can’t stay in one job or one place long enough? Believe me, it all starts within. And a lot of us got some issues that we are dealing with ourselves that needs to be resolved or changed. If you want anything good in your life, you have to get in the habit of doing and BEING good yourself. Many of us aren’t letting God bless us, we are getting in our own way. Get rid of all the bullshit so you can make room for the blessings. But then again, there are a lot folks out here who enjoy bullshit because they have never been able to see and receive blessings and I am gonna pray for you. I only wish that we didn’t chase waterfalls. Ultimately, you have to decide what you want… be it blessings or be it bullshit …let’s learn to get out of our own way.

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