Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Casting the first stone

I know I have been blogging a lot lately, but this is MY blog and I’ll blog if I want to J ! But for the last time (I promise), Michael Vick is the topic of discussion. Because I was at work today, I was unable to view his public statement live until now. He looked extremely sad and it is obvious that he is not a public speaker, but nevertheless, he stood like a man and apologized and pointed no fingers at anyone and for that, he deserves some credit. I will admit that I laughed when he said he found Jesus in all of this. Now I am not perfect neither is anyone else, but the reactions from the media and from the general public has me a little dismayed at this point. How can anyone really point any fingers at Vick? I will never condone any illegal activity regardless of who it is, even if it’s me, and I have put myself in some dangerous situations during my lifetime, but to take someone’s career away? I just don’t think it’s just. I have personally drunk too much and gotten behind the wheel of my car, and for that, I was dead ass wrong. And to me, drinking and driving has far worse consequences of raising pit bulls for illegal dog fighting. So you won’t see me adamantly going off about Vick and saying that he needs to lose everything he has based on an error in judgment. A lot of people are saying that he should be an upstanding role model because he is a public figure and plays in the NFL making millions, but I say; take a closer look at NFL players over time. The NFL is full of convicted felons, rapists and thieves! If you ask me how I rank the slew of felonies, dog fighting will be at the very end of the list. How can the public be so harsh towards a stellar athlete with a clean criminal record at such a tender age of 27? It is as if we are walking among saints! And we all know that is not true. But I am quite disgusted with this entire situation and dwelling on it only makes me feel worse, so I am going to “let it go” for there is nothing I can do to make things better besides pray. I will end with this centuries old saying straight from the Good Book, and it goes a little something like this: He without sin…………

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